

Being back in the TC has put me in touch with my cousins again.
We were tight growing up; Grandma & Grandpa had five girls &
a boy; they grew up Irish Catholic and had kids around the same

Most of us grew up in the Twin Cities, but our uncle moved to Jersey
with his family thirty-odd years ago to pursue a career in whooping
corporate ass. I think he's probably really good at it because there's
always multiple Corvettes at their (truly) beautiful New Jersey home.
Manor-esque, complete with deer grazing out behind the pool.

My cousin Kelly grew up out there. She's also an only child,
and when we were growing up we looked enough alike that our
aunts would try to pass us off as each other.

Now I have a beard, and Kelly is a knockout,
so no one's confusing us anymore.

The last time we talked in person, we were at our cousin Jay's wedding.
We said how are you, hugged, and then a minute later were talking
meditation practice, breathing and yoga.

And thought I don't remember ever discussing these things with Kelly before,
it was like we were just picking up a conversation where we left off. It's like
there's no time lost, which is grand.

Lately it's writing-- she's writing a novel. She sent me the first chapter,
and halfway down the first page the word Delightful crossed my mind.

The narrator is a young lawyer who's getting her first shot at
heading up the legal team for a major political campaign.
She's bright and magnetic, like Kelly, and the narrative benefits
from her instictive curiosity and genuine appreciation for people.

I'm stoked to read the rest.

Our cousin Denny is also hugely creative; he's done a lot of (consistently breathtaking) photography in the past several years. He's got a lot of ideas coming through him, too,
broader storylines, etc. He thinks he's slacking but he's got three kids, one of whom is
right around one year old.

We're collaborating on one project for shiz, and then he just pitched me this
worst-case-scenario handbook variant which is both more practical and funnier
than the original concept.

I'm gonna invite these two to contribute here. I'd love to know what's on their minds
in a day to day way.

Geeking out on Pat Benetar's Fire & Ice today. OMG that woman can whoop ass on a microphone. I think I need a cigarette, & I don't even smoke.

Peace to the family; crazy love congratulations and blessings to R&T out in QueenCity NC
(What!), and a warm welcome to Earth for their new daughter Mia.


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